Friday 6 September 2013

School's in and Kirstin's alone

How weird.

The children went back to school on Tuesday and I now have 7 and a bit hours a day of my own time.  This week I've spent it trying to clear out the detritus of the holidays, Camp Kirstin had taken over the sun room and cleaning activities had been minimal to say the least.

Now I am more or less up to date with my jobs and have been thinking that I am in a rather unique position for the next few months.  All I have to do is feed people and keep the house tidy, I have no maintenance to do as we are renting and there is no point in me trying to get a job here (even if there were any) as we are moving next spring.  I have decided to retire for a spell and do some things that I might not have the opportunity to do again for a long time.  Here is my list, so far, more may be added.
  • Learn to machine quilt properly and complete at least 3
  • Have a go at water colour painting
  • Learn to drum
Watch this space to see if I manage any of the above and if you can think of any other possible areas of study please let me know.

Anyway, as I was saying, the kids went back to school, they are both settled nicely (so far) and happy in their new classes with their new teachers.  Here is the outfit Rose would have liked to wear for her first day, I didn't think the leotard was a good idea with her current bathroom habits so she didn't.
And here is Jacob with his other new pencil case, it is supposed to be a bone but isn't very convincing, he's happy though so who cares.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Days to yourself for a while. You lucky thing!! Looking forward to the updates. Only time I've had significant time to myself was when I was convalescing when your day is broken up by sleeping ...
