Saturday 31 August 2013

Happy Birthday Jacob

Yesterday was Jacob's 9th birthday and for each of those years I have aged approximately 5, I'm not going to do the maths.  As an illustration of how big he's getting this is one of his new shoes next to my foot.
Jacob is blogging his birthday but as I'm never sure what will be first and foremost in his mind I shall give you a brief account.  He got lots of gifts, inc the bike that we bought a couple of weeks ago, Tom and I bought him a tablet for digital drawing and graphics so he has no excuses for not getting on with the video game he says he's building.  Bizarrely, the most played with item yesterday was the Buddhist Mandala that Tam bought him although I suspect it was not designed to be a flying saucer or an escape pod.

We went out for breakfast as he specifically wanted chocolate chip pancakes from Aunt Gussies.  After lunch we went to Grandpa's house where he and Gary went on a bike ride on his new bike (while they were out on bikes Rose made me play hop scotch on the street, embarrassing enough but worse with her cheer leading which went "Go Mummy, Go Mummy, You're the Best, You know more than the Kids and You're the Oldest of them All, Go Mummy, Yayyyyyyy").  On the way home the kids had ice cream (third one this week) and Gary came over for Jacob's requested BBQ dinner and the bone collecting cake.
I wonder how much his version will differ from this one.

I was kicked off the iPad and the laptop before I had time to finish and Jacob has already blogged, it seems his day was not dissimilar to mine which was a bit of a surprise.  As he mentioned them, here are Roses gifts.

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