Saturday 2 March 2013

My Thoughts on My Career

So Jacob got me thinking about what on earth I'm going to do next.  As of September Rose will be in full time education and unless we buy a house that needs a lot of sorting out I don't have many excuses for mucking about at home all day everyday, I'm not even sure I'll enjoy it.  The question is what do you do in Canada with 2 degrees in European Archaeology and years of field work experience on British prehistoric to medieval sites?  Perhaps Jacob is right and being a janitor is a realistic aspiration.

Looking at my current skill set I am inclined to think that I emigrated about 150 years too late.  I can grow my own vegetables, bake a pretty good loaf of bread, make my own clothes, knit socks, clean houses (thanks for highlighting that J), quilt, canoe, light a fire, track a raccoon and tell the difference between a dog and coyote print.  I should probably have been a pioneer but there aren't too many situations vacant for those these days.

Speaking of raccoons, we have one living in the loft at the moment.  Oh my word they make a racket, this one plays with the electrical wires I think, it sounds like he's having some sort of rodeo up there.  A man came and set up a humane trap outside yesterday but the 'varmint' seems to be adeptly ignoring it, either that or it doesn't like sardines.  We'd better get rid of it soon as the soffits under the dormers have taken a real beating and I haven't slept properly in nearly a week.

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