Tuesday 5 February 2013

Interesting Vegetables

The 'Interesting' in the title of this blog is slightly misleading so if veg isn't your thing stop reading now.  Grocery shopping is different over here, pretty much all the same stuff is available but at different prices and in different and sometimes odd-seeming packaging.  I can even buy hugely expensive Marmite if I look hard enough.

In the fresh veg section there is a variety of stuff in colours that I've not seen in the UK, runner beans and courgettes regularly come in yellow and tomatoes come in yellow and orange.  In September there was a glut of neat stuff like Corn on the cob in brown and yellow, a vast variety of squashes and pumpkins and boxes of heritage tomatoes some of which were really weird in colour and shape.

Anyhow, last week I bought a spaghetti squash as a carb-free alternative for me on pasta night.  It looks like a honey dew melon on the outside and when you cut it open it seems just like a regular squash.

But turn it upside down on an oiled pan, bake it for 40 minutes, fluff it gently with a fork and some sort of magic happens and it turns into string.

How cool is that! It didn't taste of anything much but I put sauce on it anyway so whatever.  Even if it had been horrible I'd have cooked it again just for the 'Ta dah' moment.


  1. That's well cool - and I love yellow courgettes though can really get them here... x

    1. Therein lies the difference between London and the outer reaches of the rural North I guess although I'm surprised I never saw any in Booths.
