Tuesday 12 July 2016

Made by Me Monday

Last week I made Rose a new romper for the summer.  It's always fun making something for Rose as she isn't afraid of a little colour.  So without further ado here she is modelling it while looking for turtles at the pond.

Also demonstrating why having your top fixed to your pants is useful when you like to spend your spare time upside down, no T-shirt flopped over the head and belly button showing today.

And finally impersonating the Isle of Man national flag which I now know is called a 'Triskelion'.  Useful pub quiz fact for you.

Anyone with no interest in sewing stop reading now.

For anyone who is, this is made from a pattern called Zephyr by Figgys.  It's the second time I've made the romper and I've made the dress version of it twice too.  It uses a total of 24 pattern pieces (arghh) and I'm not keen on the ties at the bottom of the shorts but on the whole it's easy and well written but doesn't come in adult sizes.  Probably for the best.