Friday 22 July 2016

Leopards and tomatoes

It's hot here, today will get as high as 33 degrees with the humidity making it feel like 41.  Urgh.  Yesterday evening standing out on the back deck it was quite pleasant, about 25 with a slightly cooling breeze but the air was so wet it was like drowning in lukewarm soup.

That doesn't have much to do with today's post except to serve as explanation if I fail to make any sense at all, I don't function well at high temperatures.

Rose has been at gymnastics camp all week, today I get to go and see what new things she will be hurting herself doing in the garden next week.  Thursday was dress up as a jungle animal day, she decided on an ocelot so I spent Wednesday producing emergency ears and a tail.  Here she is demonstrating that she is still bigger than a sunflower.

And beside her flowerbed that we planted up with coriander, cosmos and borage seeds at the end of May.  I know it seems an odd space for growing things, behind the garage beside the gas connection and the air con unit but it's the only place that gets full sun.

Yesterday was a very exciting first for me.  I ate my first home grown tomato.

Yes I know, it's a bit weeny and I'm not sure if it's the right colour.  This is the label from the plant pot when I bought it.

I don't know if it was labeled wrong or I'm supposed to leave the fruits on the plant until they turn yellow.  If anyone can enlighten me that would be great.  If not I don't really mind as it was delicious red anyway.

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