Saturday 10 October 2015

Techno Thursday - Oops

Thursday was Rose's birthday so I forgot to take my 5pm photo of Jacob, here he is today.

I think he is wearing a different shirt, but then again maybe not.

Today Grandpa took Rose to Toys R Us to choose a birthday gift, actually we all went so Tom and I could intervene if she tried to get him to buy something wildly inappropriate like another giant doll house or a life size talking horse or something.  It was close but in the end it came down to a meowing, animated cat and a purple dog with a Velcro stomach so you can aid it in birthing puppies. Nice.

We also went out for a bit of a walk, I took this shot because these trees are behaving properly and the sky was neat.  Shame about the nit-wits in the foreground.

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