Monday, 13 August 2012

Stars and Day Camp

Last night the Perseid meteor shower was visible over Ontario so I had a go at star gazing.  I tried to start viewing at about 9.30 but it was cloudy and not a star was visible so I watched a bit of the London Olympics closing ceremony.  I found it all a bit baffling really but quite funny watching the Spice Girls teetering about on top of taxi cabs, in fact clinging on for dear life when the cabbies took some of the corners a bit fast.  At risk of becoming an old fuddy-duddy I did briefly wonder if as one of the richest and most advanced nations in the world we could offer a bit more than re-done Oasis numbers.  On Tom's behalf maybe a bit of Maiden instead of Queen?

Anyway by 10.30 the sky was miraculously clear so I settled down in a deck chair on the driveway to enjoy the cosmic show.  I sat there for about an hour and a half in the end and saw just 5 meteors, not many but 2 of them were really spectacular.  Guess it was not the peak period.  I came in when all the rustling noises in the woods started making me nervous and I was being repeatedly circled at surprisingly close quarters by a large bat.

Jacob started day camp today so this morning was a frantic lunch making, coffee drinking nightmare, I had to be on the other side of Exeter by 8.45 so out of the house before 8.15.  Even worse than swimming and earlier than school.  He seems to have enjoyed himself and has come home with some nice crafts that he will blog himself.

Rose and I took the opportunity to begin organising her autumn wardrobe.  Guess what colours she chose.

just need boots now

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