Thursday, 16 August 2012


Well, we are coming to the end of Jacob's week of environmental camp and although halving the number of children in the house has been a great relief I shall be heartily glad to see the back of the daily commute to and from Exeter.

It takes 25 minutes (4 x per day in a car, oops, sorry environmental camp) and there are 3 routes I can take on Highways 83, 10 or 5 that are all the same.  Today Rose and I came home on Highway 10, Crediton Road.  This is the view up the road...

and this is the view down it...

I have discovered that driving in a sraight line is both boring and surprisingly difficult.  If I concentrate really hard on the horizon I can do it, but if I'm thinking such rivetting and important thoughts as what's for dinner, shopping lists or do I need to do laundry/post the letter thats currently riding in my hand bag etc etc, I weave about all over.  Fortunately the lanes are very wide so you would have to have far more important thoughts than me to get into trouble.

If you are very observant (pedantic or Dad) you will notice 2 things about the road other than that it is very straight.  First there are yellow lines in the centre and white ones down the sides which took a bit of getting used to.  Second that there are broken avenues of trees down the sides.  Interesting Canadian historical fact coming up here.  In Lampton Museum we read a rules of the road document from 18something stipulating that all settlers with a road crossing their claim were required to plant lines of trees beside it, presumably so you could find it.  I guess tradition lives on although some trees have been replaced by hydro lines which are not so pretty.

And so to the children.  Rose has been busy at the help desk again

and Jacob has been working on my self esteem.  He is currently in the habit of demanding to know what is for dinner before he will wash his hands and come and eat it, tonight when I asked why this is necessary he replied "So I know how disgusted to be."

I could make some pithy remark about this but that would require wit and articulation and I find I'm all out of both.

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