Sunday, 12 August 2012

Bargains and Hoovering

This morning we went to Grand Bend's famous Sunday flea market.  This is a big thing around here, so many people come that it disrupts traffic along highway 21 and there has to be a traffic cop to supervise the turning lane.  It is a real mish mash of a place, you can buy junk, real antiques, knock off designer gear, many pairs of socks, home made cakes and pretty much anything else you like.  There is a permanent "antique" store where Dad could find some really useful stuff, I found a box full of worn out brake pads, another box full of mis-matched wooden chair spindles, some old skis and a gigantic old commode which made me gag.  I could spend hours wandering aimlessly through all the stands, but alas, with Tom and the kids in tow we were done by lunch time and all I had bought were 2 spiral bound notepads for $1 each.  It's probably for the best.

Now I have some really good housework stuff to blog that nobody but my mum will find remotely interesting, if you choose to keep reading don't say you weren't warned.

I have a central vac.  It is new to me and the oddest concept, I can't decide whether it is better than a normal vacuum or not, or just different.  There is a giant cylinder that lives in the garage...

And in almost every room of the house there is a vac outlet point.  So instead of wheeling a Hoover around I have this huge length of plastic concertina pipe that I drag from place to place.  It's a bit like an enormously long elephant's trunk and I always seem to be tangling it up and tying it in knots and running out of 'trunk' just before I run out of room which is very frustrating.

Oddly, if I use it for too long (thats figurative, any amount of time spent hoovering is too long) it makes the garage smell of dog poo.  I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually although I'm not looking forward to emptying the humongous bag.

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