Saturday, 18 August 2012

A Quiet Saturday

There is definitely a feel of coming Fall here now.  It is still warm and hasn't rained since the day I panic bought wellies on the way to camp but the humidity has gone and the sun doesn't feel so fierce at midday.  In the morning it feels quite fresh when you are not in the sun so instead of the beach today we went to the splash pad in town.  Not much splashing was done as Rose decided the water was too cold so she went off to perform hair raising feats on the climbing frame and Jacob opted to sit on a picnic bench in his swimming trunks and draw an elaborate diagram of a dangerous cave with a very patient Uncle Tim.

While we were in town character specific books were taken out of the library.  Rose has a pink book called "Princesses around the World, Elizabeth I and the Royal Pony."  Jacob chose 2 Canadian Government publications for kids about Citizenship and Government and the "Scholastic Book of lists" and that's what it is, a book of lots and lots of lists.  He told me many interesting facts in the car on the way home and I can remember none of them, I just found the book to check on the title and he is up to page 132, classification of living things.  I really hope he does not expect me to know the order, species, family, genus etc of anything at all as I haven't got a hope of blagging that one.

This afternoon it had warmed up enough to go to the neighbourhood beach, so we did and here is a typical scene.  Rose 'laxin' on a towel eating a cookie, Tom gazing soulfully across the lake and Jacob messing about with a big hole and a pile of muddy sand.  Shortly after I took the photo a large Labrador wee'd on the pile of dirt so we went home before the kids could carry on playing in it.

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