Friday, 3 August 2012

Same Old, Same Old

I have entitled this same old, same old as I didn't really think anything notewothy happened today but thats not really fair.  Jacob trod water for 2 minutes and 30 seconds and swam 125m back stroke today which is brilliant considering he couldn't swim at all at the beginning of July, and Rose managed to get through the day with only 1 t-shirt, 2 pairs of shorts, 1 set of underwear, 2 swim suits, flip flops, high heels and a pair of trainers.

Same old, same old can't be too bad when its 28 degrees and you're sitting on an empty beach for half the day either.

Also, look what I found on the garage door yesterday morning...


and wasn't I brave doing this just so you can see scale...

I hope they don't move fast

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