Thursday, 11 October 2012


Recently I have done a small amount of sewing and I found that I can no longer thread a small eyed needle without holding it out at arms length, squinting and sticking my tongue between my teeth so I thought I'd better get an eye test.  My distance vision is still 20/20 (just) but it seems that both eyes are going a bit with the close up stuff so I need reading glasses.

It was a very strange experience and on reflection I think that perhaps I should have just gone home, but after my eye examination I was led off to choose frames for my new glasses.  This may seem like a good idea except for the fact that I'd just had eye drops to dilate my pupils and I couldn't actually see anything clearly unless it was over 50 feet away.  So I'm wandering around the shop with a very nice lady who is putting glasses on me and saying "oh that's nice, or do you prefer one that's rounder?" and "how about these in a different colour" and I just couldn't see anything.  I ended up taking a box of 5 pairs home to try out and frankly they all look pretty much the same.

I have asked Tom what he thinks but I don't know if a man is really the right person to consult and the kids were not very useful (Jacob said I looked like a mad scientist and Rose likes all of them)  so I had Jacob take photos of me in 3 pairs and you can tell me what you think.  Here we go...

How about this pair
These make me look like a librarian
I feel like Sue Pollard in this last pair.  Vote now for your say, I have to take them back tomorrow.


  1. They all look great but my favourite are the middle ones - and don't forget I'm a professional glasses wearer having been blind as a bat since we were 17.....

  2. I missed this post yesterday! I agree with Martha. Which ones did you end up keeping?

  3. Actually neither, when I went in today with clear vision there were quite a few pairs I liked better. Going back on Tuesday without Rose to sort it out.

  4. Missed the glasses post until today... The middle pair make you look like Fiona Bruce when she has to look close up at things on Antiques Road Show!! Quite official looking ;-)
