With the double whammy that was Rose's Birthday and Thanksgiving yesterday I was in no state to blog by the evening. The birthday girl was very excited about the huge pile of presents awaiting her in the morning, she got so many new clothes that she couldn't decide on an outfit and had to put on a bit of each. She got lots of gifts and I won't list them right now but I must say that I think that the accessories that come with Sylvanian Families have shrunk to ridiculously tiny proportions.
I had to assemble the gift box, lunch bags and notebooks. The little tiny white blobs are erasers, I had to wrap stickers around those, by the time I had finished I knew that my eye test next Thursday is well overdue.
It was another lovely morning so we gave Rose the choice of which playground to visit and ended up at school (what weird children I have) where she and Jacob grubbed about in some dirt next to what Jacob refers to as his Doggie Den.
Can you see a den behind them? I can't |
In the afternoon I had a turkey to cook for Thanksgiving and Grandpa came round with the favourite gift of the day. She has been doing "Rockin' Roll" pretty much none stop since then.
Wow! Rose is looking like a proper rock princess! She looks amazing!