Sunday, 7 October 2012

Cake Preview

It is Rose's 4th birthday tomorrow and some weeks ago she requested a Dora the Explorer birthday cake.  I had a good look around for some sort of transfer or cheating method of producing this but to no avail, even Michaels, the amazing crafts shop didn't have one.  So today I have laboured for hours to turn a 9" circular cake into a recognisable Dora.

I hope Rose finds it acceptable.  If she takes 1 look at it at dinner time and says "who's that?" or "I changed my mind I want a fairy princess" I shall probably cry.  As we will no doubt be busy tomorrow and there will be other more pressing photos to upload, birthday presents, new outfits etc I am posting a picture of the cake now before I have the chance to drop it on the floor or Rose cries because it is the wrong cake.   So here it is.  I am quite pleased with the result but rather scared that it may be met with disappointment, she has very exacting tastes and there is no pink or glitter!


  1. OMG that's amazing ! One thing I can't really do is cakes (apart from eat them of course!). Am sure Rose will love it! Hope she has a great day x
