Sunday, 28 October 2012


Today I think I have made real steps toward becoming properly Canadian, we took Jacob for his first curling session.  What a strange game it is and whoever would have thought you could incorporate housewifery into an Olympic sport.

Jacob had a great time skidding around on the ice, falling over and pushing rocks about and doing all this while leaning heavily on a brush.  The kids all look really cute scooting about, I didn't realize but in order to get around effectively on the ice they have 1 slippery foot (achieved by special shoes or tape fixed to the sole of an ordinary trainer) and 1 grippy foot (again its a special shoe or a slip-on rubbery thing) and they kind of slide around like they all have imaginary skateboards.  Jacob did really well with all of it and on his last go managed to get his rock (big granite thing that they push) 3/4 of the way down the lane which was pretty good for a first go.

I was very pleased to find that the kids group is called 'Little Rockers', and dismayed at having to tell Rose (repeatedly) that she has to be 6 before she can join in.  I really want Jacob to get good so he can compete, I so, so, so want to go to a 'Bonspiel'.  What a cool name for a tournament.

Here is Jacob posing on the ice.

And here is Rose's idea of an appropriate spectating outfit.  How did she manage to look so much like Henry VIII?

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