Friday 28 February 2014

Toot toot!

I'm sorry but before I start with the tooting I've just got to say something about the weather.  Its So Cold.  This morning I drove the children the 700m to school because it was -18, with the wind chill that's just a hair warmer than -30 which is when they put out a frostbite warning.  Does the weather not realise that it's March tomorrow?  I've seen evidence of daffodils blooming back in the Ooold country.

Oh well, whatever.

Jacob has started playing the recorder at his new school, so far her has only chosen to bring it home once to practice.  Here he is happily tooting!
You will notice that there are 2 pieces of wool tied to the end, these are 'belts' and J is very proud because in 4 weeks  he has caught up with the rest of his class and is already a blue belt.  This martial arts system was not in use when I was 9 (I guess things move on in 30+ years, Ouch), I hope that having a blue belt in a wind instrument is not dangerous.

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