Tuesday 18 February 2014

Back Blogging

Dear blog readers, many apologies for the break in communications but we have been very busy.  Two weeks ago we moved out of Grand Bend (Goodbye beaches and woods, sob) and into Burlington.  I would have blogged sooner but the house was in a sad state of filth so cleaning has rather taken over my life.

Anyway, Mum recently asked if we've had much snow this winter so I took an introductory snap of our new street to demonstrate.
As you can see we've had a bit, there was more in Grand Bend I think and I had some hairy scary drives before we  moved.

So to conclude this introductory post (I have more stuff to clean and must get the black grime from out between the kitchen tiles today) here is a quick one of our new home.  I would have included J and R but they were in a bad mood after having to walk back from school.