Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Xmas Ingredients

Today I made candied peel.  Kathrin suggested it and despite finding out that you can buy it readily in Sobeys the idea took hold.  It's a bit of a faff and took all day with all the various stages of boiling in water and in sugar syrup, not letting it boil dry or boil too hard, bla bla bla.  I made the mistake of leaving it off the heat for half an hour while I picked up the kids from the bus stop so now it looks a trifle crusty, I hope nobody will notice when it's buried in Christmas pudding as the recipe made loads!  Now I have to leave it for 3-4 days in an airing cupboard (don't have one so will have to use the walk in closet and deny all knowledge when Tom asks what the funny smell is) then see how it is.  Shall update you on Friday.

Actually, I am in the midst of a blogging crisis right now - both of my cameras are on the blink.  Thank Heaven for Tom's I phone or you may never have seen this.

Note that as well as 2 tutus and a wand there are wings (and there were high heels), its a shame you can't tell that the longer of the tutus is accidentally hitched up into stripey pants at the back.

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