Sunday, 4 November 2012

Nothing Much

Daylight saving ended today in Canada, the children were up at 6.10am by yesterday's time so that's 4 days this week that I have been out of bed well before 6am.  It's no wonder I look about 100 years old right now.

Yesterday we bought snow boots for Rose and more trainers for Jacob, for curling this time so I'm not frantically scrubbing the mud off the soles of his shoes 5 minutes before we have to leave for Forest.  At curling today Jacob said he got frostbite but still wanted to be signed up for his first bonspiel next Saturday.

Most of my weekends seem to revolve around laundry these days, it's not that I can't do that sort of thing during the week but everyone is on a sort of economy 7 system over here where electricity is cheapest at night and on the weekends.  This means that because I am a bit of a miser but don't want to stay up until midnight folding clothes I save as much laundry as possible for the weekend then spend Saturday or Sunday getting annoyed because I am doing housework when everybody else is off work/school.

No photos for 3 days now (slacking) so here is Rose's chosen outfit for today, the temperature has not risen above 5 degrees all day so as appropriate as ever.

check out the tattoos
Jacob finished his beam engine earlier this week and here it is, he says it was done exactly to the instructions but there are 5 mysterious pieces left in the box so I don't know.  It works though so he's pleased.

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