Saturday, 21 July 2012

Going to Goderich

We went to Goderich today to see what was there.  It is the prettiest town in Canada apparently and has a unique octagonal town 'square'.  To be honest it was difficult to say what it looked like today as we accidentally went during a sidewalk sale and vintage car rally event.

We wandered about pretending to look at it while actually trying to find somewhere to eat until we found a great place called West Street Willy's where they had ginormous cooked breakfast for Tom and toilets for Rose.  Jacob found a second hand Star Wars book, Rose found the materials to make a new crown and I found somewhere to buy the yarn for my Xmas sock production so everyone was happy.

The kids both picked a favourite car...
I think this kind of suits J

Can you see the number plate?

We checked out the beach and the play area, didn't swim and came home and BBQed.

A day in the life of the Parkers, it doesn't sound like it should be as exhausting as it is.

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