Wednesday, 25 July 2012

TB or not TB

This morning the kids and I whisked off through the magic wardrobe to Sarnia to see a nice Dr who said that in his opinion I haven't got and have never had TB and he will write to whoever he needs to and confirm this.  Hurray, although I shall miss my time dallying with fawns and talking beavers, lions etc.

On the way home we discovered that our free trial of xm satellite radio in the car is now over, I shall miss this too.  We had discovered a kids station with a slightly seedy chipmunk called Dirk who Rose was fond of and who played some truly bizarre music.  It gave me this joke that Dad will probably like... A three legged dog walks into an old time western saloon and says to the bar man (with cowboy accent) "I'm a lookin' for the man who shot ma Paw".  Ah dear.

Walked to the beach this afternoon.  It was supposed to be a quickie but somehow it took an hour and 5 minutes to walk home, lots of stick collecting and discarding, moaning, ritz cracker eating, more moaning etc etc.  But we did see painted turtles basking on logs in the Old Ausable River and also picked up a parcel from Kathrin (not in person, it was in the mail box) - the ball was much enjoyed and the skipping rope was 'just perfect'.

The beach was busy today...

... lots of people swimming too

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