Today we went on a walk to Rock Glen to look at fossils and water falls. Old readers may remember Jacob's rather scathing report of his class trip there last year. The falls are about 10 feet tall so not quite Niagara but very pretty and the river bubbled along through a stony bed that invited you to take off your shoes and scramble about on the stones, it reminded me of a limestone Eskdale. It would have been truly lovely had we been able to amble slowly along the banks taking in the scenery and listening to the birds but Rose decided that today was a running day so we had to boot camp it at high speed along the trails periodically bellowing 'Rose Wait' and scaring off any but the deafest/stupidest wildlife.

Wednesday was the last swimming lesson of this course. Rose has to do a 5m distance swim and roll over from a front to back glide to complete the 'Salamander' section so she didn't get a badge but Jacob finally built up the endurance to do enough front crawl to get his stage 4 badge. Hurray, it has taken a year to get there but he did it, well done J.
I didn't sew it there but it's tempting |
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