Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Not Got Too Interesting Yet

Well so much for my line up of interesting activities over March Break.  Yesterday we got all the groceries for the week and Skyped and although today was marginally more exciting it didn't really set the world on fire.

Jacob was invited to his friends house for the afternoon so Rose and I went on a girl's day out to Exeter.  The idea was to see if Rose needed new indoor shoes and pick up a self sealing, cutting mat for me.  Rose's feet have indeed grown and she now has brand new, disgustingly expensive, fitted trainers for school.  If she needs any more I will be off to Payless Shoe Store where I can get 3 pairs for the same price.  We also picked up my mat, had coffee and cake, visited the thrift store and went to the Independent (kind of Tesco) where we managed to spend $34 on a 500g bag of icing sugar.  Whoever came up with the idea of clothes in grocery stores was an evil genius.

Here is Rose after her trip to the sale rail.

And here is the state of Jacob after 3 hours with his friend.

Tomorrow I am going to use leftover egg whites to make marshmallows - watch this space!

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