Monday, 28 January 2013

Snow Day

Today was a snow day, that is a day when the school buses are cancelled due to inclement weather.  Actually, it's rained all day and the 3 or so inches of snow that we have has gone all wet and soggy, but the forecast for this morning was freezing rain so I think that was responsible for the lack of school transport.  The school was open (I think) and I'd normally drive Jacob in but a snow plough dumped about a foot of heavy, wet and manky snow across the drive entrance first thing this morning and I didn't have the energy to go out and remove it to get the car out so he got the day off.

This went down well for a while, he spent a couple of hours on the computer this morning then watched a DVD of Pirates of the Caribbean after lunch, then it all went downhill and he spent the rest of the day moaning about how bored he was.

Rose played school with the fairies this morning, here they are all lined up and doing as they are told, Rose is the teacher.

This afternoon she spent a long time preparing an elaborate tea party for her cousins who were allegedly  visiting.  Apparently they are called Sean and Jamie, live in Port Franks and drive a pink sparkly car????.  She talked about them so much that I think she forgot that they are fictitious and passed most of the afternoon watching for them and every so often insisting that I ring them to ask why they hadn't arrived yet.

The fictitious cousins, Jacob being home on the wrong day, the thick mist outside and the haze in my head due to lack of sleep last night gave the day a distinctly surreal edge that was slightly alarming.

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