I wondered how long I'd manage to keep the kids engaged but there were different activities to do every half hour so in the end we were there pretty much there all day.
To keep it short, here is a pictorial list of what we did.
Bought train tickets to Toronto for a train that never moves. I can never get over how massive theses trains are, imagine seeing one for the first time roaring over the plains when you'd never come across anything bigger than a bison before, it must have been terrifying.
Made paper pinwheels which apparently were used instead of scarecrows as well as as toys.
Tried on costumes, Jacob declined but Rose tried on a few. Looks like she's on the naughty chair for wearing gold sandals to school.
Took rubbish selfies.
We also ate lunch and ice creams, learned about the naming of Kitchener and also how to do the Charleston, Shim Sham and the Hustle. Jacob has a video of Rose and I doing the hustle, I'm not posting it, I'll just say that John Travolta has nothing to worry about.
We didn't make bread, butter, ice cream, steel poppies or scarecrows or help with the laundry or the farm chores. If we get bored next week we might go again to try and finish it all up!