Saturday, 28 May 2016

Kitchen Thursday and a Finish

Jacob made cupcakes on Thursday, here he is trying to fight his way past the paper case.

I'm not sure he's learning much, I asked him what was in them and he said "I d'no, fat maybe?".  Oh well, it gets him out of the house.

Today we had our first heat advisory of the year so when I'd tied up the tomatos and watered the plants I got down to a bit of sewing and finished off the foot stool cover.  Ta Dahhhh.

So, what do you think?  Im pretty pleased given that I totally made it up as I went along.  I figure the materials cost around $35 give or take as I managed to save quite a bit by getting an end of roll fabric at 66% off.  So that comes out at $45 total, plus about 15 hours of mucking about.  Not bad if you have the time.

It works too.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Footstool Update

I've totally got out of the habit of blogging over the past couple of weeks so I'm afraid you've missed out on such exciting events as ripping out failing topiary and replanting the front flower bed, Jacob going to the open house at his new middle school and lots of other things so riveting I can't actually remember any of them.

So tonight should have been Kitchen Thursday (last Thursday was the middle school event) but Jacob isn't hungry so I'll post it tomorrow when he's eating it.  Instead you may have an update of the thifting footstool project.

I've now bought all the necessary materials and am almost finished.  First I covered it in a layer of quilt batting to smooth it out and cover up the corners.

Then I covered the whole lot in calico to tighten it up and make it more durable.

To be honest I think it's a bit loose but as it will have a removable cover it won't show and I can always redo it at a later date if necessary.

I have cover fabric purchased and mostly cut out and ready to go.  I'm hoping to get it finished tomorrow for a grand unveiling.

In the meantime here is what Rose did on on Sunday.

Needless to say, I was at home unaware that Tom was allowing my delicate little flower to haul herself about 30 feet up a tree.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Over the last few days when the weather has regressed back to February I have started an upholstery project.  I've been looking for an ottoman for the living room in front of the new sofa but haven't found one I like for what I consider to be an affordable price.  Insert moan about the exorbitant price of plywood furniture here.

Last week I picked this up from the Salvation Army for 10 bucks.

In the darkness of the basement I don't think you can truly appreciate the delightful shade of forest/sludge green and delicate coating of cat hair.  Yuck.  Still, you've got to cut it some slack, the label on the inside says it's the same age as me and I feel a bit grimy and out of date too.

So I've spent a good few hours picking out 4000 or so staples that were holding it together and now it is stripped back to this.

This photo does double duty demonstrating the pot of rosemary and thyme that Rose and I planted up last week and the blossom on the mystery trees down the edges of the garden.

Anyway, back to the footstool, I will be covering it as soon as I've been to Len's Mills and spent a further $40 on all the bits and bobs.  I'm aiming for this as a finished piece thus saving myself a ton of money.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Kitchen Thursday

Oh dear, here we are again already with no posts in between.  It's been Mother's Day, there has been tree removal and levelling in the garden and I've even caught up on block of the month but failed to blog any of it.  Will rectify that very soon.

Yesterday Jacob made French toast with bananas and strawberries.  I didn't get to try it this week as we were down to this by the time I'd turned my phone on.

Must have been good.

Tom had swanned of on a business trip to Montreal for the night so I had to take Rose along for cooking class and as it was a beautiful evening I let her ride a dinosaur for an hour while we waited.

Wow, that looks really uncomfortable, not sure who has the worst deal.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Kitchen Thursday

Cooking class again and Jacob made tortillas and salsa. Here he is enjoying his made from scratch with flour and water (slightly burnt) tortilla.

And here he is 'enjoying' the delights of fresh vegetables in salsa.

Needless to say, that part is in the fridge for my lunch.  Actually I'm looking forward to it as it's quite delicious, even though he says the black beans are Girl Scout droppings.  Not sure what he would know about those.

Still on the subject of Jacob, here is an acrostic poem written about a popular Disney film.

He hasn't even seen it!