Let's get the techies over and done with first...
There we are in perpetual twilight as ever.
'N stuff' is weather and I know that's not the most interesting subject but we've certainly had our fair share of it in the past 10 days.
So to recap, the Thursday before last we had the much blogged ice storm. Then on Sunday it was 17 degrees, Rose played outside all afternoon in a t-shirt and I contemplated getting out the sun block. On Sunday night an almighty storm rolled through and kept us awake with thunder and lightening for hours, it was accompanied by huge quantities of rain that kept going pretty much all week, on Thursday afternoon I failed to take a photo of a pair of mallards swimming in my flower beds. Now this...
'What the heckin' boop ' as Rose used to say. I might even resort to her worst phrase so far and say 'holy crack bottom' (how did she get to be so revolting?). Maybe this is the climate's idea of an April fool only 1 day late.
The temperature's hovering just below freezing so it's good packing snow and the Christmas igloo bricks are getting their first successful outing. I'm not sure why the kids have chosen to barricade the patio steps but I'm not complaining as I can take photos without going out in the cold.
Actually I think I've figured it out now and although I'm impressed by the buttresses I'm not happy.