Now that we have a place of our own we are struggling with furniture. It hasn't been an issue before because Pinetree Drive was furnished in exquisite taste by someone else and Thorn Lane was such a disaster it made no odds what you put in it.
Our stuff currently consists of an 'eclectic' (putting it politely there) mix of the contents of a 1200 sq foot Victorian terrace house imported from England and a whole lot of gratefully received cast offs from Gary. As a result we have a rather odd selection of things, we seem to have about 100 chairs but no adequate storage.
Which leads me to a minor rant about the price of furniture. There's not much over here that's more expensive than in the uk (with the glaring exception of cheese) but there is definitely a gap in the furniture market, if it's not IKEA it's desperately expensive. As far as I can see there doesn't seem to be a mid range.
So all this bla bla rubbish is an expansive introduction to my solution to a new book case. I have rejected put it together yourself laminated plywood and $2000 for pre assembled wood (and plywood) in favour of crates from the antique market. This is the staged picture I took of my new storage...
But this is what it actually looks like with all the rest of the junk.
And that's on a tidy day!
I'm quite pleased as I like being a miser over somethings and I also like the recycling aspect of it. I wonder if I can fashion a TV cabinet and a sideboard out of crates. Perhaps I could make all our furniture that way then next time we move we don't have to pack.