Today we went to Mountsberg Conservation Area for our annual maple syrup experience and including lunch and wagon rides it definitely did not count as a spendthrift day out, but I think we made the most of it.
In the interest of avoiding waffle and repetition I shall list all the new stuff we learned.
March break originates from the time when farming parents kept their kids off school for the syrup harvest.
Jacob doesn't like the smell of woodsmoke.
Rose is too small for a kids yoke.
Jacob isn't.
Rose has the same wingspan as a red tailed hawk.
Jacob's is nearly as big as a turkey vulture. See Mothers Day Two post from last May for a comparison.
Owls have 14 vertebrae in their necks.
A Peregrine falcons favourite food is defrosted rat.
Bison are not (very) scary from a distance behind a big fence.