Friday, 28 February 2014

Toot toot!

I'm sorry but before I start with the tooting I've just got to say something about the weather.  Its So Cold.  This morning I drove the children the 700m to school because it was -18, with the wind chill that's just a hair warmer than -30 which is when they put out a frostbite warning.  Does the weather not realise that it's March tomorrow?  I've seen evidence of daffodils blooming back in the Ooold country.

Oh well, whatever.

Jacob has started playing the recorder at his new school, so far her has only chosen to bring it home once to practice.  Here he is happily tooting!
You will notice that there are 2 pieces of wool tied to the end, these are 'belts' and J is very proud because in 4 weeks  he has caught up with the rest of his class and is already a blue belt.  This martial arts system was not in use when I was 9 (I guess things move on in 30+ years, Ouch), I hope that having a blue belt in a wind instrument is not dangerous.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

All about Rose

As the title suggests Jacob will not be featuring in this post so call back soon for pics of him.

The cold snap continues here, -20 degrees including windchill this morning for the school run, I fear my fine patrician nose will be red forever more.  Rose has been moaning about her snow pants not being right for the past couple of weeks so I checked the label and discovered that they are actually age 3.  Now there's an example of good parenting for you.  So this morning we hot footed it off to try to find some new ones amongst all the swim suits, crop tops, shorts and other appropriate spring stuff that the stores are full of just now.  We got lucky and found this little number for just $29.99.  Wow.
Is that a little air guitar, there is an Axel in her class so maybe they've been rockin
Rose's other new acquisition is this rather fine princess bed.  I wanted to dress it a bit with all her animals, plump the pillows and to get some photos with a nice smiley face but she discovered something digital on the way and this will have to do you.

At least I think it's made the boring brown room more acceptable.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Old Spouse, New School

On Monday my beloved spouse will celebrate his birthday, I won't mention his age but lets just say that he has a considerable amount of time left to gloat about being in his thirties while I am obviously not.  So today Jacob, Rose and I baked and decorated a cake and here it is, complete with action shots.

The cake (which was delicious, thanks Duncan Hines) is early because Grandpa visited for the birthday weekend.

This afternoon while the menfolk indulged in some manly DIY activities me and the children went out for a walk, they chose to go to school (????) so I took the opportunity to snap some shots of it.  It's the big brown building in the background and also 8 portables arranged around the playground area that they refer to as the 'black top' over here.  The children seem to have settled pretty quickly, Jacob is learning to play the recorder (he's not aloud to bring it home, yeah) and has joined a chess club and Rose has got over being part time again and has been invited to 2 birthday parties already.
Here they are outside Rose's entrance door.
And Jacob's class is in a portable.
You might think that Rose's outfit, proper snow coat, snow pants, hat scarf gloves and ear muffs might indicate that the weather has warmed up, it has a little but not that much!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Back Blogging

Dear blog readers, many apologies for the break in communications but we have been very busy.  Two weeks ago we moved out of Grand Bend (Goodbye beaches and woods, sob) and into Burlington.  I would have blogged sooner but the house was in a sad state of filth so cleaning has rather taken over my life.

Anyway, Mum recently asked if we've had much snow this winter so I took an introductory snap of our new street to demonstrate.
As you can see we've had a bit, there was more in Grand Bend I think and I had some hairy scary drives before we  moved.

So to conclude this introductory post (I have more stuff to clean and must get the black grime from out between the kitchen tiles today) here is a quick one of our new home.  I would have included J and R but they were in a bad mood after having to walk back from school.